Ohbot Peakys mesege to earth

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14 Responses to Ohbot Peakys mesege to earth

  1. mcorsi says:

    sounds serious MC out

  2. forlan says:

    donavan really it is fantastic antully I will meat you at 1:42!!!!!!!

  3. rfox says:

    are you telling a story or a letter I am confused.

  4. oowen says:

    i love it !!! it’s great


  5. athaya says:

    why did you put pmhnjhhhghxfggcsgjkykjktgdkgtrjjtuagdhfjuerutyfhsdfgr donovan it’s werid dude.

  6. sferna says:

    I really like your story Donovan.I wonder how the people reacted?

  7. lviega says:

    Good one Donovan:]

  8. lviega says:

    Me and Aidan still don’t understand

  9. iosbor says:

    I like the words and how you went on until after it crashed to earth. But what is with the load of mixed up letters?

  10. oszmit says:

    nice work Donovan. Very interesting message some of the words are so good I dont know what they mean like approxumutly. I also really like the languge and description I like your story about what is happening

  11. mnorri says:

    LOVELY work! The way you used punctuation was great.

  12. gwatte says:

    Well done donvan it sounds amazing

  13. soatwa says:


  14. dspenc says:

    If your wondering why I put PMHJHHHNGHXFGGCSJNHJDNHDJDUKGFYISJUER,KYFKJFIDRVK5JHYKL I colden’t think of a explotion sound so I did this ^

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