Pacman 230421

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8 Responses to Pacman 230421

  1. lovep says:

    I love that Ella.That was cool!!!

  2. szarp says:

    I love your part wen there talking together i have a hint make sure bot are going away from each over.

  3. ishme says:

    Good Job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. ockee says:

    wow! i really like how you made them come to each other and say hello

  5. collp says:

    I realy like that it is grrrrrrrrrrrrreat

  6. burnm says:

    Good work I really like it you are really good coding Ella

  7. kiels says:

    Wow amazing work i like it how did u do it .

  8. clinj says:

    you did a gret job

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